Saturday, April 29, 2006

The hugest lightning storm in years!!

Yesterday morning the whole house was shaking, car alarms were going off down the street, the birds were flying in circles and dogs were howling!! - no, it wasnt one of Phils farts. we had a really intense thunder cell right over us, a house half a mile away was struck by lightning we watched the lightning forks hit the ground on the other side of the valley it was BIG. Ryan collected hailstones and put them in the freezer for phil to see when he got home from work. the stream at the bottom of our road was up to the top of the bank, Awaruku road was closed by a flood, we had to go round the long way to school. It was a really localised storm as Kirsty and Paul 5 kms away just had some rain and heard the thunder.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I dont like cats - these are cuter!

Baby Porcupines - ahh
but imagine giving birth to that, I hope the spines are soft.
This is Ryans favourite image at the moment.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


well whaddya know a paynepirates blog !!
Phil will be texting next (actually he got a lesson off of Ryan last night).

The Hotel California

Savusavu was chosen as our arrival port because it has a relatively easy entrance, is yacht friendly and we had heard great th...